About Event Rules

About PANACHE Fashion Show

“I express when I speak, I impress when I move, and I make heads turn around when I dazzle!” Now, to dazzle is not only about shimmers but also about confidence, attire, walking stance, and attitude. So, get ready to step up as you glam up because all those dim lights await shining stars.

Panache – Fashion Show

Fashion is a revolution. How do you ask? Change is constant and ideas change with time, and what these ideas morph into always enrobes humanity, either its psyche or its body. You can see a renewed revolution in fashion.

Registration Rules

  • Team size can vary from 5-20 members each.
  • Multiple entries are allowed from one college/University

Judgement Criteria

  • Costumes
  • Walking Stance
  • Creativity
  • Theme
  • Attitude
  • Prop Usage

Round – Showcase Round

  • Time limit: 10-15 mins.
  • Theme selection is as per your choice.
  • Any music/ backdrop that the team requires has to be submitted to us before the main event.
  • Vulgarity and obscenity at any point are strictly prohibited. It can lead to immediate disqualification.

Round – Q&A Round

  • Selection for the final Q&A round will be based on performance


Dushyant Singh Khangarot – 8955492502

Anushka Awasthi – 9414527271

Akshita Vijay – 9079027437